EPSILON long wood skidders stand out especially in this application area by their low and robust method of construction as well as their reliability. Many different boom types give the crane the perfect geometry on each machine, suitable for the individual requirements.

The M-Series is the medium-duty class of EPSILON cranes in the skidder model range and covers lifting capacities of 7 to 9 tonne metres.



Available areas for

Technical details

M70R M80R M90R
Telescopic boom length [dm] 68 68 72 80 96 68 72 80 96
Number of extensions 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Net load moment [kNm] 69 73 73 68 65 82 82 76 74
Net slewing torque [kNm] 25 26 26 26 26 29 29 29 29
Slewing angle [°] 205 / 240 / 385 205 / 240 / 385 205 / 240 / 385 205 / 240 / 385 205 / 240 / 385 205 / 240 / 385 205 / 240 / 385 205 / 240 / 385 205 / 240 / 385
Max. reach [m] 6,8 6,8 7,2 8,0 9,6 6,8 7,2 8 9,6
Operating pressure [bar] 190 200 200 200 200 220 220 220 220
Max. pump capacity. 1K [l/min] 1x70 1x70 1x70 1x70 1x70 1x70 1x70 1x70 1x70
Max. pump capacity. 2K [l/min] - - - - - - - - -
Max. pump capacity. 2K-LS [l/min] - - - - - - - - -

Dead weight without joint/rotator

M70R M80R M90R
Telescopic boom length [dm] 68 68 72 80 96 68 72 80 96
Incl. standard top seat 1430 1450 1450 1490 1620 1480 1480 1520 1650


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